Last month, we talked about how competitive today’s job market has become and how vital it has become to establish a positive company culture founded on sound values to give would-be and current employees a sense of belonging.

But you can also attract and retain talent by providing a positive example to follow, someone who embodies your company’s values and inspires your employees to be their best — and get better. These days, more than ever, you need a strong leader.

A leader is someone who can bring out the best in each employee’s existing skillset, provide them with the tools they need to grow, and put them in the optimum position to succeed, in their own careers and for the good of the company.

A lot of smaller companies, accustomed to one or a handful of founders doing everything, tend to micromanage their workers. Instead of giving their people the freedom to innovate and make mistakes, these managers try to control and direct every little action. This both frustrates and stifles the employee (not to mention wasting the manager’s time).

A good leader doesn’t dictate. They delegate, stand back, listen, observe, and step in only when needed. They don’t direct, they guide. And they appreciate each individual employee’s roles, skills, and ambitions; help them get the additional training and experience needed to evolve — including allowing them to make mistakes — while even learning a thing or two, themselves.

In my experience, I’ve observed and followed many leaders who have inspired me to give my best. Many of them shared a few of these key qualities:

Any strong and effective leader embodies the company’s culture. They are not out to merely please customers or make a buck but rather are devoted to doing right by everyone involved. Our mantra for leadership is: “Do the right thing. Do the right thing for our clients, our employees, and our partners.”