In our previous segment on Results Based Performance, The Performance Standards we’ve discussed—those based on the five Mega-Processes (People, Knowledge, Sales, Service, and Culture)—define performance at the most senior levels.

In our previous segment on Results Based Performance, The Performance Standards we’ve discussed—those based on the five Mega-Processes (People, Knowledge, Sales, Service, and Culture)—define performance at the most senior levels. For instance, “Senior Manager” means managers with four or five years of experience. Our highest expectations are usually for the most senior people, but we also hope that the Performance Standards will push less-tenured people to new levels of achievement. As we continually establish performance expectations, our definitions and benchmarks will solidify. For now, they are based on our best-educated assumptions. Of the five Mega-Processes, none is more important than Culture. But it is also the only one of the five that doesn’t have quantifiable measures. Instead, Culture is comprised of several elements, some of which cross into the other Mega-Processes. For instance:  

Teamwork is also a critical part of culture. Consultants work in revenue teams, pursuit teams, and engagement teams; they will collaborate with colleagues throughout the firm and even with clients. The Performance Standards will consider the attributes necessary to be a team player—and compensation will not only reflect individual performance, but also the success of the team as a whole.